Cryptocurrency hodl

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PARAGRAPHIna Florida man paid 10, Bitcoins for two pizzas from a local delivery. But if you were smart and bought crypto at cryptocurrency hodl right time, there would be. Tuck a little more of your dough into crypto every day, and soon you might very little that a hod, Buffett rides around town in.

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Cryptocurrency hodl It's also commonly come to stand for "hold on for dear life" among crypto investors. These traders believe that one day, Bitcoin will become a mainstream currency with a six-figure value. The Bull Case for Bitcoin. GameKyuubi concluded that the best course was to hold, since "You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. This comprehensive analysis explains important topics like use-cases, team and tokenomics. Thank you for submitting your answers.
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HOW TO SAVE BITCOIN [Learn what is to HODL and Why!]
Hodling is the act of purchasing bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency, holding it and refusing to sell it while attempting to remain unaffected by swings in. HODL, or �hold on for dear life,� means hanging onto your digital assets regardless of what the market is doing. HODL is an acronym for "Hold On for Dear Life". It is used in the crypto ecosystem to refer to a strategy of holding onto bitcoin holdings.
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A widely followed crypto analyst is expressing his pleasant shock at Bitcoin's BTC most recent Deutsche Boerse Xetra. If you believe in the value of your investments, you might be less likely to panic in the face of market turmoil. A closely followed crypto strategist is predicting that Bitcoin BTC will remain in an uptrend